Uma praia de gatos mas não os vi !!

su-pallosu-01Quer dizer, vi gatos mas não foi na praia como se vê nas fotografias que inundam o google quando pesquisamos por I Gatti di Su Pallosu!

Valeu pelo passeio, pelo almoço e por este mar sempre com estas cores!

Na viagem de Cagliari para Alghero, fizémos um pequeno desvio para almoçar e parámos em Su Pallosu, uma pequena aldeia piscatória.  su-pallosu-02 su-pallosu-03 su-pallosu-04 su-pallosu-05 su-pallosu-10
Aqui existe a associação I Gatti di Su Pallosu, e sendo perto da praia, os gatos andam por lá. Quando lá chegámos, não vimos nada. A associação estava encerrada e era necessária marcação. Mas lá apareceram alguns gatos, mas não na praia! Foi uma desilusão! su-pallosu-07 su-pallosu-08 su-pallosu-09Seguimos para o nosso destino final, Alghero!

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2 comentários

    Su Pallosu, Sardenha : colonia felina do mar
    E ‘ uma das colônias felinas e mais conhecidas na Itália. Especialidades da colônia composta por mais de 50 gatos, que a torna única, é o fato de que os felinos estacionados junto à praia, perto do mar.
    For your visite, only saturday, sunday and tuesday, you must make a reservation for advance.

    We are a family: free guided tours all year round, by appointment only. The visit lasts 30 minutes.

    In a remote place of the world, called Su Pallosu (Oristano), in the west coast of Sardinia (Italy) live a huge colony of cats.

    The colony is formed by 57 cats (35 completely free) and is rapidly become an amazing attraction for tourists from everywhere because of the interest of this rare event, which has led the national media attention there.

    The feline sanctuary of Su Pallosu in Sardinia hosts a total of 57 cats, all endowed with microchip. All female and all male cats are neutered.

    The colony is about a hundred years old, is managed by two cats-lovers Andrea e Irina and Associazione Culturale Amici di Su Pallosu; never received any public funding: all feeding and medical expenses are funded by volunteers.

    Therefore people living in the near village are voluntarily organized to support and protect the felines.

    All the secrets of this magic site will be uncovered in the course of 7 stages of the visit, by Andrea and Irina, who live 24/7 in the site.

    1) Area Cat Feeding;

    2) Cat Shelter;

    3)Feline Garden;

    4)Gianni Atzori Mineral Collection;

    5)Turtle Area;

    6)History, Wildlife, and Art exposition at the Casa Museo Gianni Atzori.

    7)Nuragic Cat Beach.

    The association does NOT accept any new cats, and reports to the authorities whoever abandons animals on the premises (Law 727 of code of penal procedure).

    We are voluntaries who never received any public financing or monies. All our activities are fully self-financed and self-managed.Activities carried out so far for the protection of the 57 extraordinary cats of Su Pallosu, since 2010:

    Microchip insertion,


    Specialized health treatment (Clinica Veterinaria Duemari di Oristano)

    Thousands of veterinarian visits, daily treatments, surgeries, on over 120 adult cats neutered as of 2015, were possible thanks to the contributions of private citizens like yourself.

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